Thursday 30 September 2010

Questionnaire For A Music Magazine

1)     What type of music do you prefer?
a)  Rock
b)  Pop
c)  Dance
d)  RNB
e) Other

2)     Would you like information of new indie groups?
a)      Yes
b)     No
c)      Sometimes

3)     How often do you buy a music magazine?
a) Every week
b) Every two weeks
c) Every month
d) Never

4)     Are you a:
a) Male
b) Female

5)     How much would you pay for a monthly magazine?
a) £0-1
b) £2-3
c) £4-5
d) £6-7

6)     Would you be more likely to buy a magazine if it had a free giveaway?
a) Yes
b) No
c) I don’t care

7)     What attracts you most to a contents page?
a) Text
b) Pictures

8)     What do you like about the front cover?
a) Picture
b) Person in the photograph
c) Celebrity stories

9)     What are your favourite colours?
a) White
b) Black
c) Red
d) Blue
e) Other

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