Thursday 7 October 2010

Kerrang Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis

Kerrang Contents Page Analysis

Kerrangs’s magazine uses a lot of photographs for the contents page; this is because pictures catch the eye quicker than the writing. A lot of the pictures are used to illustrate some of the things that are going to be inside the magazine. However at the top, taking up half of the space there is the biggest picture of Ozzy Osbourne. This indicates to us that Ozzy’s story is going to be one of the main stories in the magazine.  The bigger the pictures, the bigger the part the story plays in the magazine.
Meanwhile the pictures are still representing the magazines genre and its targeted audience. A lot of the props used in the pictures associate with rock and bands. Although the contents page is quite boring, the audience are rock fans. They would want something more hard core and exiting.
On the other hand content page supports the style of the front cover. Some dull and bright colours   been used.  They are mostly the same as on the front cover; white, black and red. However they also added yellow to highlight the headings. This can imply a rocky/indie type genre of the magazine.
The information and most of the pictures are in columns this then prevents the page from becoming messy and gives the reader a sense of organisation and therefore is easily accessible and effortless to read.
Kerrang magazine contains a lot of different sections such as: Feedback, news, win, live reviews, features, albums, gig guide, k!Quiz, This shows that the audience their aiming for do not want to sit there and read a magazine full of writing . They prefer more posters, pictures, interviews, new albums and concert dates. The audience want information on bands and who’s performing live.
Meanwhile the magazine logo is in the middle of the page right at the top off all the different sections. The reason for having the magazine title ‘Kerrang’ at the top of all the different sections is because it will continue to give the magazine consistency and it is always promoting the magazine. However it’s not the most dominant as it could be, but you do notice it as it’s written in the biggest font size on the page.
Despite this the magazine is also advertising their other franchise. At the right hand corner there is a box highlighted in red promoting their delivery service. This is attracting new and old buyers to buy their magazine monthly.

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