Thursday 14 October 2010

Q Magazine Contents Page Analysis

              Q  Magazine Contents Page Analysis

Some images are used to indicate to the audience what is going to be inside the magazine. The shots used for the images are; mid shot, long shot and a close up. This is done so that the audience could clearly see the artists and get a preview of the background as well. However, the larger the picture the bigger the part the artist is going to take in the magazine. Near each picture is a large number, which tells the audience on what page you can read about the artist.  This is done well; it attracts the audience eye straight away.

The pictures on the contents page still mirror the genre of the magazine. In the photographs there are various artists from different genres of music. This refers back to a multi genre magazine.

Meanwhile the same main colours are used for the contents page as are used on the front cover (white, black, red).  Although the magazine looks a bit boring, there are no crazy pictures or bright colours to stand out.

Each main story of the artists on the front cover have a large picture, heading is in bold letters, underlined in red with a big page number next to it. All pictures are in the middle and the writing is on the sides. This is very easy for the reader to access and gives a sense of organisation.

Even though Q magazine has a lot of different sections like; Q mail, Q 50, now, soap box etc...You can tell that they are aiming at the audience who just want to read and look at some pictures. There’s no inserts or posters.

On the first contents page there is a logo of the magazine. This continues to give the magazine consistency and is always promoting the magazine.

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