Monday 18 October 2010

Q Double Page Analysis

                   Q Magazine Double Page Analysis

 Lady Gaga is features in this double page spread. Gaga is a pop star there fore this suggests to us that the targeted audience are pop lovers.
The colours used are the same as on the front cover (white, black and red). They are simple and bright yet they don’t irritate your eyes. This gives a sense of maturity through out the magazine. However the red colour is supporting the picture by reflecting Gaga’s sexuality.
On the other hand every topic is highlighted in red, so the person reading wouldn’t get lost between the texts. This makes the article very clear, neat and easy to read. All of the writing is in precise colons. Meanwhile the text style used is very simple and bold. This gives a sense of organisation.
However the buzz line used on the front cover is used in this double spread page as a head line to outline that she is one o ‘the most exiting people in music’.
One page is taken up by a picture and the other is full of writing. However the tone that the magazine creates is informal. When you read the article you get the sense of relaxation and comfort as you would in a casual conversation.
In the image which is shot in a mid shot, Lady Gaga is shoving off her tattoos, this reflects originality and her passion for art. Meanwhile Gaga’s pose and the fact that she is wearing very little shows off her body, this suggests to the audience her confidence.
On the other hand the style of the article matches the style of the front cover. The same colours are used for the article as are for the front page. Therefore the same mood and sense of elegance is kept through out the article.

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