Double Page Spread Analysis
The style of phrases is used to specify the style of the magazine. Phrases like ‘panic then carry on (we’re fucked anyway) ‘are used so connote the bad ass image. Also things like ‘I was pissed off, upset, angry. I couldn’t enjoy anything’ or ‘to hell and back’. This is all portraying rock style; scruffy, hard core, ill-mannered. This is all what rock is about.
However the colours used are dull and depressing. Mostly black, white, grey and some red are used.
On the other hand the double page spread uses the first page mainly for the picture. However they have the title in block letters ‘to hell and back’, there’s a box of writing at the bottom to tell us a bit about the band. Lastly in the picture on the walls there are posters with phrases; ‘germs spread diseases be afraid of what you can’t see’. Meanwhile the second page layout is a bit different. Still the picture is the main thing, but there is quite a lot of writing as well. The writing as if almost compromises with the picture. It is fit in the free space of the picture almost making a boarder. Therefore most of the space is taken up by the pictures.
The band is presented through the images in a sand and miserable way. They have blood all over them, black circles under their eyes and look hurt, both mentally and physically. However in the pictures there is an old woman, a child with a mother and a young woman, while the band is facing a difficult time in the pictures. This is indicating a close family relationship.
The style of the article matches the style of the front cover. The same band is used, their same outfit is used and mostly black and white is used on the front cover and in the article. Also the text font is similar, so it makes the front cover and the article look alike.
The article does not demand for any prior knowledge. I have never heard of the band and I had no trouble understanding what the article was about. It’s very informative, I found out a lot about the band.
The tone the magazine is using is as if I was a member of a crowd. It’s polite, revealing and expects me to be interested in the band or all bands.
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